
护理专业致力于改善医疗保健结果,并寻求对人们的生活产生积极影响. To prepare for a career in nursing, 学生培养批判性思维技能,以更好地为他们的决策提供信息, build compassion through service opportunities, 并通过在课堂上学到的知识在临床中获得实际经验.

Degree Offered:

  • Bachelor of Science in 护理

View Degree Requirements

Earn your nursing degree at Carthage

博彩网址大全的护理课程以专业护士教育的最佳实践为特色. 我们致力于提供具有社会责任感和响应性的护士教育,这种教育植根于同情心.

Grounded in the liberal arts, 人文学科, 与科学, 该计划有助于学生对临床推理过程的理解, 如何将这些过程应用于提供护理的重要概念, 以及如何解决整个生命周期的医疗保健需求和持续的护理,以改善医疗保健结果.

博彩网址大全护理专业毕业后成为称职的初级临床医生, 博彩网址大全, 并准备参加全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN). See registered nurse state licensing information.


  • Kyle Williamson ?24

    “的 Carthage nursing faculty taught me the importance of believing in my ability to impact the lives of others — not only physically, but mentally.”

  • Anissa Acevedo

    “People should consider nursing because it is a gratifying career. As a nurse, every day will always be different. You’ll treat patients with unique health situations and at varying stages of life. 的re are also so many different things that you can do that fit your personality.”

  • Devon Kuhn

    “I chose Carthage because of the 护理 Program and the faculty-to-student ratio.”

  • James Castro ?24

    “I chose nursing over anything else because it truly is the most rewarding career! It can be a lot of hard work and stress, but the outcomes and words that patients give you can really make your day.”

  • Joseph White

    “Other students should consider the nursing major if they’re really passionate about providing care to people on a physical, mental, and emotional level.”

  • Abigail Wetzel

    “My favorite memory has just been meeting some of my best friends here on campus through being a nursing student and a resident assistant. Having so much love and support through my college years has been my absolute favorite memory.”

  • Benjamin Gabbey ?25

    “I have never felt as welcomed or accepted as I have here.”

  • Michelle Gorney ?25

    “I love how the faculty are so easy to reach out to. I love how close people are here with one another. And I love the atmosphere in general.”


在博彩网址大全的BSN护理项目的学生测量彼此的血压. 博彩网址大全的大一新生直接入学的选择是一个独特的机会,学生博彩网址大全护理事业. High school seniors who meet specific, 预先设定的标准保证进入博彩网址大全的护理学学士学位.

Why freshman direct-entry at Carthage?
你不需要等两年才能知道你是否被护理项目录取. 作为一名直接入学的学生,你在校园的第一天就将成为护理专业的一部分!

  • You don’t have to wait until your sophomore year to apply.
  • 你将立即得到护理学院的支持和指导.
  • 你可以从校园的第一天开始就努力实现你的目标, so you can focus on advancing your nursing career.

View 入学s requirements

Develop your skills through three years of clinical experience

临床 让学生获得在不同环境中护理病人的实践经验:医院, 房屋, 学校, and the community. 在博彩网址大全, 护理专业的学生在大二开始临床工作,比大多数其他学院早一年. Because we work with more than 50+ clinical partners, 学生有机会与各种专业护士建立联系.

我们的 clinical partners include:
  • Advocate Aurora Health
  • Advocate Condell Medical Center
  • 提升 Health System
  • Brookside Care Center
  • Cancer Treatment Centers of America
  • Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
  • Froedtert South / Froedert & the Medical College of Wisconsin
  • Hospice Alliance
  • Hospitality House Crossroads Care Center
  • 出赛 Fire Department
  • 出赛 访问ing Nurses Association
  • Lutheran General Hospital
  • Northwestern Medicine Lake Forest Hospital
  • Racine Unified School District
  • Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (Chicago)
  • Veterans’ Administration Hospital of Milwaukee

Prepare for a nursing job with our career development program

  • 100%

    of 2023 nursing graduates were hired!

Carthage’s comprehensive career development sequence, 的 Aspire Program, 通过帮助学生制作简历,帮助他们为就业做好准备, developing interview strategies, searching for open positions, 和更多的. 我们的 nursing graduates leave college prepared for a range of careers in the nursing field.

Carthage nursing graduates have been hired for positions at:
  • Advocate Aurora Health
  • 提升
  • 提升 Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital
  • Chicago Behavioral Hospital
  • Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
  • Froedtert South
  • Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
  • 梅奥诊所
  • Northwestern Medicine
  • Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
  • St. Louis Children’s Hospital

护理 students walking outside. 应用 for a full-tuition nursing 博彩网址大全hip

护理奖学金博彩网址大全提供全额护理奖学金,将颁发给一名即将入学的护理学学士学位学生. 该奖学金将颁发给在该领域表现出卓越愿望和同情心的有前途的学生, quality patient care.

More about nursing 博彩网址大全hips

Learn in state-of-the-art nursing facilities

护理 Learning Laboratories houses a welcome center, a debriefing room, a psychomotor skills laboratory, and a simulation laboratory. 模拟实验室有四个高保真人体模拟器(成人), 孩子, 婴儿, and birthing mother). 我们的 Health Assessment Laboratory houses four examination tables, a conference table, 一个白板, 和电视监视器.

2023年夏天,博彩网址大全启动了一项新的j学期游学活动,这是一项前往洪都拉斯的医疗任务. Provide medical care abroad through study tours

Because so much of human behavior is determined by culture, nurses must strive to understand their clients, 家庭, and communities within the context of culture. 在博彩网址大全, nursing students have the opportunity to 出国留学,亲身体验其他国家的文化,并更多地了解其他国家的医疗保健. 机会包括参加博彩网址大全到尼加拉瓜或洪都拉斯的医疗宣教之旅, where students volunteer in medical clinics.

Get mentoring from faculty and upperclassmen

Benefit from an assigned student mentor

博彩网址大全认识到一个支持性和丰富的环境对我们的 nursing students. 为了证明我们对他们成功的承诺,我们建立了一个学生指导计划. 所有护理专业的大一新生在大二期间都会被指派一名学长导师. Students can ask their mentors for help with navigating college, managing their coursework, 交朋友, and so much more.

Learn from experienced nursing professors

With an average of 17 students in every class, 博彩网址大全为学生提供了一个与教授建立密切关系的环境. 我们的 nurse educators are not only experts in their field, 但他们也通过一对一的辅导课程为学生提供个性化的指导和支持, assisting in academic planning, and goal setting. 他们利用自己在医疗保健行业的广泛网络,帮助学生与符合他们职业目标的专业人士和组织建立联系.

Participate in nursing program traditions

这个护士别针仪式表彰学生在学术和临床方面的卓越表现... 博彩网址大全的护理课程是新的,但我们已经在创造自己的传统!

White Coat Ceremony

Each year, we hold a White Coat Ceremony for junior students. 这个仪式正式承认学生的临床教育,并强调他们的承诺,提供富有同情心和优秀的护理.

Nurse Pining Ceremony

临近毕业的高年级学生,我们举行了荣誉颁奖典礼. 这一仪式旨在表彰学生在学术和临床方面的卓越表现, as well as excellence in teaching among the faculty. 教师们随后授予学生博彩网址大全护理别针, 这标志着他们成功地完成了课程,并以同事的身份进入了护理行业.

给 back to the community

我们的 nursing students are encouraged to be socially responsible. 博彩网址大全护理学生协会(CANS)让学生参与各种社区服务机会, 比如在圣诞节为基诺沙无家可归的社区制作祝福袋, collecting clothing donations for those in need, and fundraising for school supplies.